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You're Walking The Path Toward Retirement

Let's Make Sure Your Finances Are Too

Get Started Today

What's Your Retirement Number?

Unsure how much money you'll need for retirement?
 Our free projection can give you a starting point to plan for.

Click Here To Find Out Your Number

Account Aggregation & Insight Tool

Do you dread logging into multiple sites to check your balances?
Our program allows you to aggregate all of your accounts in one place while providing some insights along the way.

Click Here To Sign Up

Where Are You On the Road To Retirement?


Your career is just hitting its peak, with retirement still a decade or two down the line. But you understand that now’s the time to start preparing and saving strategically.

Right Around the Corner

With just a few more years to go, you know it’s time to kick your retirement planning into high gear by fine-tuning your financial plan and focusing on your future income.

Past the Finish Line

The retirement party is over and you’re turning off the alarm clock for good. It’s finally time to reap the rewards and weigh your income options to make your money last.

Wherever You Are, We Can Help.

Schedule a Free Introductory Call

How We Got Here

In 1978, our founder Pete McGlaughlin started Tax Qualified Trusts, Inc. Jeff Yeakle joined Pete in 2003, as the firm became McGlaughlin Yeakle. In 2013, Pete and Jeff ventured into the Registered Investment Advisory world as they officially formed MY Wealth Management, Inc.

To this day, we’re happy to honor Pete’s vision of providing every client with personalized attention, independent advice and excellent service.

Your Journey To Retirement

Shouldn’t Be Traveled Alone

We’re MY Wealth Management, Inc.

An independent, Registered Investment Advisory (RIA) firm focused on standing by your side as you prepare for retirement, enjoy your independence and pass on your legacy. We understand that life doesn’t always move forward as planned. That’s why we’re here to help you navigate the twists, turns and bumps ahead as you move into and throughout retirement.

We Believe in Being:


In taking our fiduciary duty seriously, our firm is focused on finding solutions that benefit you and your family. There are no hidden agendas or ulterior motives. Instead, we only act in what we believe will be your best interest.


If you ask us a question over the phone, in an email or during a meeting, we’ll answer it as quickly as we can. As a part of our ongoing dedication to customer service, we’re focused on always following up in a timely manner.


In treating you how we’d want to be treated, we aren’t interested in nickel and diming you. Instead, you can be sure hidden fees and confusing costs won’t be a part of your experience here. Our fee schedule is clear and transparent for your convenience.


Our president, Jeff Yeakle, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™. Not only has he had to pass rigorous testing to receive this certification, but he is also held to one of the industry’s highest standards of ethics.

How We Got Here

In 1978, our founder Pete McGlaughlin started Tax Qualified Trusts, Inc. Jeff Yeakle joined Pete in 2003, as the firm became McGlaughlin Yeakle. In 2013, Pete and Jeff ventured into the Registered Investment Advisory world as they officially formed MY Wealth Management, Inc.

To this day, we’re happy to honor Pete’s vision of providing every client with personalized attention, independent advice and excellent service.

Jeffrey Yeakle, ChFC, CFP® Photo

Jeffrey Yeakle, ChFC, CFP®

President & CEO
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Jeffrey Yeakle, ChFC, CFP®

President & CEO

As a co-founder of MY Wealth Management, Inc, my focus is on helping those who have always been savvy savers grow their wealth and manage it into and throughout retirement. I enjoy helping people understand their options and navigate their finances as they look to get from point A to point B.

I bring over 20 years of experience in the financial industry to our firm, as well as Chartered Financial Consultant and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ designations. Previously, I worked for Prudential Securities, First Union and Sandy Spring Bank before joining the firm in 2003. Today, I’m focused on managing our firm’s portfolios and helping clients prepare for and enter retirement.

Are You Interested In Learning More?

Schedule a Call Today

Bradford Yeakle, ChFC Photo

Bradford Yeakle, ChFC

Financial Planner
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Bradford Yeakle


In 2024, I started working as a Financial Planner at MY Wealth Management, bringing with me six years of industry experience. Previously, at T. Rowe Price, I spent the bulk of my time as a Financial Consultant. My job was to help retirees and pre-retirees understand their retirement account options thoroughly and evaluate different strategies to meet their needs. I hold a Chartered Financial Consultant certification and a Bachelor's Degree in Finance from West Virginia University. 

My primary goal is to collaborate closely with each client to develop a tailored financial plan that suits their specific needs. I'm dedicated to getting to know our clients better and guiding them to reach their unique goals.


Melissa Price Photo

Melissa Price

Office Manager
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Melissa Price

Office Manager

I joined our firm in 2004, bringing with me an in-depth understanding of the financial industry. I have over 20 years of experience working in financial services, which I use to assist our president, Jeff, in supporting his clients as they near and enter retirement. I’m responsible for the day-to-day operations of our office, overseeing our staff and interns as well as offering client assistance as needed.

Kimberly Maldonado Photo

Kimberly Maldonado

Office Assistant
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Kimberly Maldonado

Office Assistant

Since joining our team in 2016, my role has been dedicated to providing comprehensive support to our clients by promptly addressing their inquiries and facilitating the establishment of new accounts. Additionally, I serve as a liaison between our firm and external entities such as broker dealers and vendors, advocating for the interests of both our organization and our valued clients.

Together We’ll Develop

Your Roadmap to Retirement

For Us, It’s Not About How Much You Have

Whether you've accumulate tens of thousands or a couple million, your net worth isn't our primary focus. Instead, we’re interested in working with clients who’ve always strived to make sound financial decisions with what they have. You may not be driving a sports car or acquiring a yacht anytime soon, but you’re ready to maximize your wealth’s potential as you prepare for and enter into retirement.

We Value Clients Who Are...

Successful Savers

Financially Focused

Nearing Retirement


Does This Sound Like You?

See Our Services

Taking a Holistic Approach To Your Retirement Planning

As fiduciaries, we act in your best interest. That means that as we assess your retirement plan, we’re looking at your entire financial picture. Every piece must work together to successfully get you to and through your retirement. We’ll discuss your “what if” scenarios, evaluate your income options and, if needed, develop a custom-made comprehensive plan.

Our Retirement Planning Strategies Include

Goal Setting

Steady Income Planning

401(k) Allocation

Risk Tolerance Assessment


Evaluating Minimum Distribution Requirements

Social Security Options

Pension Plan

Schedule an Introductory Call

Our Process

Discovery Meeting

We’ll start by getting to know each other through an easy-going, no-commitment meeting. During this time, we’ll get to learn more about you and your retirement goals.

Data Gathering

Once you’re comfortable with our team, we’ll dive deeper into your current financial standings. We’ll evaluate your current needs and get a better idea of what you’ll need as you head into retirement.


Based on your unique financial picture, our team we'll work together to develop and outline specific goals as you near or enter retirement. Together we’ll evaluate your options, discuss our strategies and answer any questions you may have.


During this time, we’ll put into play any actionable items we discussed previously. We’ll walk you through any major changes and keep you educated about your options.

Ongoing Monitoring

You’re welcome to come and go as you please, but our team is committed to developing long-lasting relationships. We believe your goals should be regularly monitored, reviewed and adjusted as needed.

Sound Like a Plan?

Schedule Your Complimentary Meeting

Are You Ready

For the Road Ahead?

We’re excited to put our experience, integrity and financial planning passion to good use as we develop your comprehensive roadmap for retirement. Whether you’re a few years out or already enjoying financial freedom, our team is here to help however we can.
Schedule a call or fill out the form below to get started today!